Health Care
Our focus on healthcare as an important programme for the foundation stems from our firm believe that a healthy individual makes a wealthy individual; and that the empowerment of women and youth will not be complete until they are empowered to make healthy lifestyle choices. At present, some women, youth and children within the communities in which we work, suffer from preventable healthcare problems. These range from maternal mortality, infant mortality, sexually transmitted infections, malaria, etc.
The situation is attributable to the fact that, poor people are most often less educated and lack knowledge about hygiene, nutrition and other good health practices. The aim of the healthcare programme under the Brooks Dreams Foundation is to give useful information to mothers on how to better take care of themselves and their families. We believe that since women pass learnt values to their children better than men do, they became better agents of change in any society and hence our focus on women in our healthcare initiative.
Our interventions have been in the area of breast cancer awareness creation, providing support for some maternity and children’s ward, and community education on how to maintain general wellbeing. In the long term, we hope with the assistance of other donors and supporters, to build health facilities for the benefit of communities in deprived areas.
“If you educate a man, you educate an individual, if you educate a woman, you educate a nation” – Dr Kwegyir Aggrey
Health CareHealth Care
Youth in AgricultureYouth in Agriculture
Women EmpowermentWomen Empowerment
Orphanage ProgramOrphanage Program
Physically Challenged ProgramPhysically Challenged Program